Our pricing model is very straightforward. There is a one-time setup fee and then a flat fee for easch subject you invite to be rated, regardless of the number of raters participating. Complete the form to request a quote for your organization: Approximate number of subjects who will be rated in one year? When do you plan to implement your 360° study? No firm date. Just gathering info. Within 30 days Within 90 days Within 6 months Within 12 months Do you currently conduct 360° surveys? Yes No Company Name All information you provide is kept strictly confidential. We do not share contact information outside of our organization.If you prefer, you can also reach us by telephone toll-free at 1-866-802-8095 x705 or send us an email at information@insightlink.com Contact Name Contact Email Contact Phone Address City State/Zip If you have any special requests, or if you can tell us anything else about your organization that you feel will help us prepare your 360° survey proposal, please use the area below.